Epsilon Beta, also known as “the Keepers of the Library” (Episcpoi Tes Bibliothekes), is a state-wide literary club which promotes literacy and service opportunities for students. Epsilon Beta is for those who read often, those who often stay in the library, or for those who wish to get back into reading.
Epsilon Beta is held every month on the first Wednesday, after school.
Run by students and their organizer, Mrs. Kempker, Epsilon Beta allows for members to freely choose the books they wish to read, allowing each student to express their best interest.
Reading is undeniably an important skill, and the main purpose of Epsilon Beta is to build upon that skill while providing entertainment. Epsilon Beta is welcoming to all who wish to join, so don’t hesitate to go check it out if you have the chance.
“A room without books is like a body without a soul” – Cicero